
Monday, June 25, 2012


1898 - American Consul General at Hong Kong Rounseville Wildman foxily writes Philippine President Emilio  Aguinaldo y Famy  convincing him to stand shoulder to shoulder with what will be the future invading American forces, saying that he has supposedly "vouched for [Aguinaldo's] honesty and  earnestness of purpose to the President of the United States and to [the American] people,"  during the Revolution after the Filipinos have declared Independence following their liberation of majority of areas of the archipelago from the hands of the Spanish colonizers; the communications of  Wildman, who will later apparently rip off Aguinaldo of P67,000 intended for a  second shipment of arms and ammunition, have been instrumental in making Aguinaldo stupidly trust imperialist  Commodore George Dewey with whom he forged an alliance against Spain and his deceptive promises of honoring Philippine Independence; Aguinaldo will soon stupidly allow the American forces to freely enter Philippine territory and thereby position themselves for their sinister scheme of invading the fledgling Southeast Asian Republic, erupting into the bloody and protracted Filipino-American War  (1899-1914).

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