
Tuesday, February 21, 2012


1896 - The Supreme Council of the secret revolutionary organization, Kataastaasang, Kagalanggalangang Katipunan nang manga Anak nang Bayan (KKK), holds elections for the various positions of secretary, warden, guard and patroller, writer or recorder, and assistant writers or recorders; the KKK was officially founded by Andres Bonifacio y de Castro and several other radical Filipinos in on July 7, 1892 with the aim of liberating the Philippines from the yoke of Spanish  rule a few days after reformist patriot and polymath was arrested by the colonial authorities;  within around six months after this meeting, the KKK will transform into a revolutionary government with Bonifacio as President/Supremo and the Himagsikan (Revolution) against colonial Spain will break out in Manila and surrounding provinces in Luzon before spreading like wildfire to other parts of the Southeast Asian archipelago.

Imperialist 20th Kansas Infantry Regiment advancing

1899 - The fledgling First Philippine Republic establishes universal conscription of all able-bodied Filipinos between the ages of 18 and 35, nearly three weeks into the bloody and protracted Filipino-American War (1899-1914); the conscription comes amidst the need for Filipinos to defend the independence they gained following the Revolution against Spain, this time against the enemy invading forces of the imperialist United States; American forces triggered the outbreak of the Phil-Am War on February 4 as part of the wicked pre-arranged plan of Bald Eagle President William McKinley in the aim of tricking  the Senate into approving the controversial  Treaty of Paris and thus secure approval and funding for his policy of annexing [translation: invading] the Philippines; the Treaty of Paris, forged by the Bald Eagle nation nearly six months after Gen. Emilio F. Aguinaldo declared Philippine Independence from Spain and after the Filipino revolutionary leader was conned through verbal assurances by the vile Americans into forming an 'alliance' to fight Spain, supposedly formalizes the 'cession' of the Philippines to the US after the very brief, seemingly almost token, Spanish-American War.

Photo credits:

Jesusa Bernardo.

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