
Saturday, October 22, 2011


1950 - Philippine President Elpidio R. Quirino  suspends the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus with Proclamation No. 210 in the effort to thwart  the forces of the Hukbong Mapagpalaya  ng Bayan or HMB  (renamed from wartime  HUKBALAHAP), a communist army that helped in  the liberation of  the Southeast Asian country from  Japan during World War II;  four days earlier,  Quirino's government moved to quash the backbone of Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas, the country's  pro-Soviet communist party that reorganized the  HMB in 1948 in the bid to resist continued American domination under the US-RP Treaty of  General Relations and the Parity Amendment of the Philippine Constitution,with the arrest of  23 of its top leaders following its increasing  post-war influence while advocating national  independence; the  validity of Proclamation No. 210 would be challenged and upheld by the Supreme  Court some two years later in the Montenegro vs. Castaneda decision.

1899 - Apolinario Mabini y Maranan, Foreign Affairs Secretary of the fledgling Philipine Republic, urges the Filipino  clergy to organize a Filipino National Church in a  manifesto he issues while in Rosales, Pangasinan  nine months into the bloody and protracted Philippine-American War  (1899-1914); Mabini, earlier eased out of the  position of Prime Minister by the Pedro Paterno and  his elite clique, is perhaps giving support to Fr.  Gregorio L. Aglipay who, a year earlier, called on  the Filipino members of the (Catholic) clergy to organize themselves into a cohesive body and asked  the Pope to appoint natives to the country's church  hierarchy from the lowly parish priest up to the level  of archbishop.

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