
Thursday, May 6, 2010


1943 - Japanese Premier General Hideki Tozyo makes a personal visit to the Philippines during the Japanese Occupation, being presented with the Resolution of Gratitude of the Filipino people's supposed appreciation for the "tangible and positive progress toward national unity, spiritual rejuvenation, and economic rehabilitation" helped wrought by the Japanese Military Administration in building a New Philippines; the resolution presented in Luneta, Manila, was graced by the speeches of Philippine Executive Commission Chairman Jorge B. Vargas and Commissioner of the Interior Jose P. Laurel (who would later serve as President during the Japanese-sponsored Republic).

1897 - Andres Bonifacio, founder and leader of the Philippine Revolution against Spanish colonial rule, is declared "guilty"of contriving to supposedly overthrow the newly formed revolutionary government of Emilio Aguinaldo  by the Council of War that reviewed the findings of the former's court martial; Aguinaldo's camp earlier engineered the  power grab against the Supremo, subsequently ordering his capture and  court martial trial by what is regarded as a "Kangaroo Court" investigative body, with appointed defense lawyer, Placido Martinez, attacking, instead of defending, the Supremo.

1937 - The hydrogen-filled German dirigible Hindenburg burns and crashes in Lakehurst, New Jersey, United States, killing 36 out of its 97 crew and passengers and inflicting substantial injuries to the survivors; the largest dirigible ever constructed, it has suddenly exploded into flames while attempting to moor Lakehurst in what is believed to be a case of a spark igniting its hydrogen core. 

1976 - A powerful earthquake strikes northeastern Italy, leaving at least 60 people dead, with many more buried under rubble, and, along with another earthquake later in September, force the construction of thousands of tent cities for the affected; the quake's strongest tremor that measured 6.5 on the Richter scale affects six European countries: France, West Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia as well as Italy.

2005 - Malaysia and Indonesia agree to refrain from staging shows of force in the South Sulawesi Sea, where the neighboring countries are currently in dispute over maritime boundaries; the agreement is announced by Malaysia's deputy prime minister said. Najib Razak during news conference with visiting Indonesian Vice-President Jusuf Kalla.

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