
Saturday, April 24, 2010


1897 - Katipunan leader Supremo Andres Bonifacio writes to his confidante and Commander of Manila's revolutionary forces about the detestable acts of treason/collaboration with the Spaniards engaged in by certain members of the the Magdalo faction of the revolutionary movement: "Daniel Tirona, Mtro. De Guerra, Jose del Rosario, Interior Minister, Jose Caelles, teniente Gral., almost all of Tanza residents along with the priest there; all of whom were partisans of Capt. Emilio [Aguinaldo];" Bonifacio also expresses fears that his company seems to be in danger not only from the Spanish enemy but, also, from the local (Caviteno) revolutionary leaders and in less than three weeks, Bonifacio will indeed be executed by Aguinaldo's forces.

1967 - Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov dies during his mission when the space vehicle Soyuz I crashes on its return entry to Earth; the strings of the parachute intended to slow the spaceship's descent apparently entangled, causing the vehicle to hurtle to the ground from four miles up although it will later be believed that Soyuz I was not yet ready for manned flight and was only rushed into operation.

1982 - The 1936 Montreux Convention is amended to permit Turkey to close the Straits at its discretion; the agreement originally provided for unrestricted international access to the Straits during peacetime and, as well, Turkey's control over and the regulation of military activity in the Dardanelles and Bosporus Straits.

1993 - A massive bomb planted by the Irish Republican Army (IRA) rips through the heart of London City, killing a man, wounding some 40 people, and causing damage that will cost £350m in repair; the IRA will carry out one other major attack on the financial centre of Britain's capital when, following a year of ceasefire, the revolutionary group will, in 1996, plant a bomb in the Docklands area's Canary Wharf.

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