
Friday, March 5, 2010


1901 - Apolinario Mabini, Prime Minister of the fledgling Philippine republic under siege by imperialist American forces, informs President Emilio Aguinaldo of William H. Taft's reply that the United States could not recognize Philippine independence; US President William Mckinley's policy to forcibly annex the Southeast Asian archipelago and start the blood Philippine-American War has been criticized by fellow Americans, including the members of the Anti-Imperialist League.

1836 - American defenders of the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas, are defeated by Mexican forces during what United States historians dub the Texas War for Independence; the siege at the Alamo will later become a rallying cry for United States forces, particularly Texan volunteers, in other battles and in 1845, the US will seize Texas from Mexico and  annex it as its 28th state.

1957 - The Ghanaian people celebrate the end of colonial rule and the dawn of their independence as Ghana becomes the first black African country to gain freedom; Prime Minister Kwame Nkrumah will later declare Ghana a republic and make himself president for life but will be deposed in 1966.

1992 - Eduard Shevardnadze, former Soviet foreign minister and first secretary of the central Committee of the Communist Party of Georgia, returns to Georgia to lead the newly formed State Council that has been endowed with executive and legislative powers; three months earlier, nationalist President Aviad Gamsakhurdia fled following months of violent conflict between the forces of the Georgian government and opposition groups in Tbilsi.

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